
Esalen Massage Therapist


Adaptive Yoga Teacher




"The first emotional comfort, touching and being touched...
remains the ultimate memory of selfless love, which stays with us lifelong" - Diane Ackerman

We have forgotten how to receive.
We have forgotten how to breathe.
We have lost touch with our bodies.
Dovetail Bodywork joins the ancient practice of therapeutic touch with modern psychotherapy.
I dream of a 3-legged wellness approach combining the art of receiving, the art of being, and the art of your narrative.
Massage as the art of receiving.
Adaptive yoga as the art of being.
Modern psychotherapy as the art of your narrative.
My offerings within this approach are Esalen Massage and Adaptive Yoga.


Esalen Massage is known for its informed, nurturing touch. Presence, combined with slow, long strokes, gentle rocking, and pauses, create a deeply relaxing massage that balances energy and reattunes the body as a unified whole.... We all yearn for something more than ourselves. Being in touch with the actual yearning itself allows us to feel, to receive more fully. Truth is where we land when we are fully seen, when we fully allow ourselves to yearn, to fully express, and to fully be here. That is what we call presence. People feel that. Even if they just see it in others, it’s deeply nourishing. It connects us with the universal longing that we all share to be fully seen, heard and loved. Whether they know what it is or not, they sense on some level, that it feeds them. That is the secret of this bodywork.
Click here for a lovely article from Body & Spa by Deborah Ann Medow for further reading on Esalen Massage


Adaptive yoga tailors traditional yoga poses uniquely to each physical body, rather than fitting and forcing the body into a particular shape. Coupled with breathing, and props such as blankets, chairs, yoga straps, and blocks, adaptive yoga meets the unique needs of individuals with different abilities.... Instead of teaching what a yoga pose looks like, adaptive yoga cues what the yoga pose feels like. We develop a deeper connection to our mindbody relationship, that gives a sense of harmony within the world and balance within ourselves. This deep return to the body is profoundly nourishing, grounding and expansive. I invite yogis and non-yogis alike to come deepen their mindbody relationship in a uniquely felt way.
Click here for more photos of adaptive yoga sessions


I dream that one day we will normalize a more diverse idea of wellness that is accessible to everyone that is complimentary, not in conflict, with the western allopathic industrial complex. An intersectional wellness approach combining touch, mindbody integration practices, and talk therapy...


I am a queer, non-binary POC dedicated to creating more awareness, visibility, and accessibility for integrated wellness therapies to the LGBTQ+, BIPOC, disabled, and neurodivergent communities that have historically been marginalized, oppressed and silenced. Within my own scope as a bodyworker and a teacher, I hope to help facilitate QTNBBIPOC and LGBTQ2+ back home to their fullest, authentic selves.

I have suffered with debilitating anxiety most of my life. At a very young age, there was a lot of pressure for me to perform. Over many years of addiction, and the physical wear and emotional tear of being on the road as a professional musician, I found myself exhausted, out of touch with my body, anxious, and in my head all the time. The thought of sitting quietly with myself made my skin crawl. I would do all I could to avoid the impending “I can’t” of sitting with emptiness, by chasing after things, after people, to help fill me up. In the end, that vicious and unsustainable cycle imploded and I found myself in the very place I was trying to avoid. I couldn’t run from myself anymore. In the pain and tenderness of that moment, I was introduced to my full potential. I slowly began my own healing journey of reconnecting with truest myself.


Consent is essential.

Mental health is essential.

Black Lives Matter.

Trans women are women.

Trans men are men.

Science is real.

Sex work is work.

End White Supremacy.

The Art of A Human, Being




Click here to watch videos on my channel for visual instruction and tips to help bring yourself into alignment. In-home props should be easily found around your home, online or at your local thriftstore. Blanket, folding chair, belts and pillows just to name a few...